
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:58    点击次数:180
综合外媒报道,当地时间3月8日,美国联合航空公司一架波音737MAX飞机在休斯敦乔治·布什洲际机场降落时冲出跑道,所幸无人员受伤。A United Airlines flight landing at Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport rolled off the runway Friday morning. No injuries were reported. 据美国广播公司(ABC)报道,一名乘客回忆说,飞机着陆后,他听到“巨大的爆裂声”,然后飞机发生倾斜,让所有人都大吃一惊。One of the passengers, Mike Allard, recalled that after landing, he heard a "huge pop" before the aircraft tilted over, catching everyone by surprise.据报道,美国联合航空公司在声明中称,160名乘客和6名机组人员均未在事故中受伤。No injuries were reported among the 160 passengers and 6 crew members, United Airlines said in a statement. 报道称,美国联合航空公司没有立即说明是什么原因导致飞机偏离跑道,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)将就此展开调查。United said it will move the aircraft from the taxiway as soon as it is able and will "work with the NTSB, FAA and Boeing to understand what happened."这是最近一周美联航第3起涉及波音飞机的事故。3月7日,美联航一架飞往日本大阪的波音777-200型客机从美国旧金山起飞时发生轮胎掉落事故,载有249人的该飞机紧急备降洛杉矶。事故导致旧金山国际机场一条跑道短暂关闭。掉落的轮胎碎片还损坏了机场员工停车场内的几辆汽车。This is the third incident this week involving a United Boeing airplane. A day earlier, a United-operated Boeing 777-200 bound for Japan lost a tire after takeoff from San Francisco and was diverted to Los Angeles where it landed safely. The plane had 249 people on board.4日,美联航一架从得克萨斯州飞往佛罗里达州的波音737-900型飞机一台发动机在空中喷火,载有167名乘客的这架飞机被迫返航。On Monday, a United Boeing 737 bound for Florida departing Houston returned to the airport shortly after takeoff after the engine ingested some plastic bubble wrap that was on the airfield prior to departure, the airline said.近期,波音飞机陷入多起安全问题。1月,波音客机发生“掉门”事故,美国阿拉斯加航空公司一架波音737MAX9型飞机因内嵌式应急门掉落紧急返回波特兰国际机场。2月,美国联合航空公司一架自旧金山飞往波士顿的波音757客机在飞行途中发现一侧机翼“破裂”,紧急迫降。编辑:朱迪齐来源:中国新闻网 路透社 美国广播公司

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